[Competitor Analysis Matrix]

  • Create a detailed competitor analysis matrix for [PRODUCT CATEGORY].

    For each competitor ([COMPETITOR NAMES]), analyze:

    1. Core Features

    - Key capabilities

    - Unique selling points

    - Feature gaps

    2. Market Position

    - Target audience

    - Pricing strategy

    - Geographic focus

    3. Strengths/Weaknesses

    - Technical advantages

    - Market presence

    - Customer feedback

    4. Opportunities for Differentiation

    - Underserved needs

    - Technical gaps

    - Market gaps

    Structure as a comparison table and provide strategic insights.

  • Claude 3.0 sonet default settings.

[Customer Interview Analysis]

  • Analyze this customer interview transcript and provide structured insights:

    1. Customer Profile

    - Company size/type

    - Role/responsibilities

    - Key objectives

    2. Pain Points Analysis

    - Current challenges

    - Workarounds

    - Impact on work

    - Frequency of issues

    3. Feature Requests/Needs

    - Explicit requests

    - Implicit needs

    - Priority signals

    4. Opportunities

    - Quick wins

    - Strategic possibilities

    - Risk factors


  • Claude 3.0 sonet default settings.

[Radical candor feedback]

  • Context Setting Prompt

    "You are a product designer who has conducted extensive user research showing that a proposed feature would create confusion for 80% of users. Key stakeholders are pushing for this feature based on competitor analysis."

    Scenario 1: Research vs. Opinion

    "Role-play as me responding to a stakeholder who says 'I just don't like the design' about a solution that tested well with users. Show how to respectfully acknowledge their perspective while standing firm on user research findings."

    Scenario 2: Complexity Trade-offs

    "Role-play as me explaining to a sales team why we're not adding their requested customization options, based on user research showing it would increase cognitive load. Show how to balance empathy for their sales challenges with user experience priorities."

  • "You are an engineer who needs to explain critical technical debt to stakeholders who are pushing for new features. The current codebase has significant scalability issues that could cause major problems within 3 months if not addressed. You need to balance business needs with technical stability."

    Scenario 1: Explaining Impact

    "Role-play as me explaining to a product manager why we need to allocate 30% of our next sprint to address technical debt in our authentication system. The PM is focused on launching new features to meet quarterly goals. Show how to communicate this with both empathy for business pressures and clarity about technical risks."

    Scenario 2: Architecture Concerns

    "Role-play as me explaining to a CEO why our current architecture won't scale beyond 10,000 users. They want to pursue an enterprise client that would bring 50,000 users. Show how to explain this technically while addressing business impact."

  • Claude 3.0 sonet default settings.

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